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How to Apply

Like all colleges, there are entry requirements that need to be achieved in order to become a prospective Football College Student

Entry Requirements:

  • Application to Plume College

       - Internal Students click here 

       - External Students click here

  • Complete a successful Football trial

  • For Level 3 Courses - Achieve five GCSE’s at grade 4, including a GCSE grade 4 English Language. Students who do not meet the minimum attainment will be advised to undertake a Level 2 programme.

  • You must select FOOTBALL College on the Plume Application Form

  • A College Sports Programme does not take up any ACADEMIC SPACE on the timetable. – You still choose subjects that match your academic profile and desired post-18 pathway


Once a trial has been completed, a letter will be sent home to confirm the next steps with detailed information on:

  • Pre-Season

  • Exam Results Day Process

  • College Sports Kit

  • Trips and Opportunities

  • Advice for Student Athletes

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