Year 11 Destinations

As an academy we provide effective careers information, education, advice and guidance (CEIAG), in line with the statutory to encourage our students to make good choices and understand what they need to do to succeed in the careers to which they aspire.
We provide opportunities for a range of education and training providers to speak to our students to inform them about technical education qualifications and apprenticeships, and we also promote and have access to a range of education and training providers to best suit their needs and aspirations. This was particularly evident during National Careers Week and at our Careers Fair were we welcomed over 60 external exhibitors from different universities, training providers and employers. We were also pleased to welcome Oxford University, AIM Apprenticeships and Make Happen (in conjunction with the University of Essex) as our keynote speakers.
We encourage all our students, at the appropriate time, to book appointments with Directions, our independent, high quality unbiased careers advice and guidance providers. We also, when possible, provide good quality, meaningful opportunities for our students to encounter the world of work.
To ensure that all Year 11 students are supported with making informed decisions on their Post-16 destinations, targeted support is provided in the autumn term of Year 11. During this time, a structured tutorial programme is delivered detailing all Post-16 options in addition to assemblies being presented about a range of Post-16 providers. Student surveys are also used to identify any students that need additional support. All of our Year 11 cohort are invited to book a careers appointment and many commented on how our independent and impartial careers advisors, Directions, helped them to choose the most suitable Post-16 destinations.
As a result of the high quality careers education, information, advice and guidance our students have received, 86.53% of our Year 11 cohort opted to stay at a sixth form/ college, with 36.36% choosing to continue their studies at Plume College. 7.41% of our Year 11 cohort were successful in applying for an apprenticeship with a further 0.67% securing employment. At present, we currently only have two students (0.67%) seeking employment, this figure is significantly below the Essex average (4.6%). These students will continue to have access to advice and guidance at the academy as required.
Quote from Mr Hallam – Leader of CEIAG:
We are delighted with the manner in which Year 11 have positively engaged in the CEIAG provided and wish them the best of luck on whichever pathway they have embarked upon. We measure impact by the NEET figures and the low%, lower than the Essex average is a direct indication of the high quality CEIAG our students receive. We continue to review the feedback received and adjust our provision so it best meets the needs of each cohort so that they can confidentially and successfully move onto their intended destination.
Quote from a Year 11 student
‘The tutorial programme at the start of the year helped me to understand the different options available to me. My tutor encouraged me to visit lots of open evenings and helped me work out the best option was for my A Levels.’
Quote from a parent of a Year 11 student
‘As a ‘first time parent’ of a Year 11 student, we really valued all of the information that was shared with us regarding the next steps after GCSE.’