Remote Learning Lesson Descriptors
Live Lesson
A live lesson is when a subject is delivered in the Microsoft Team Lesson at a scheduled time and there is a teacher present. These happen if the academy needs to close.
There may be another teacher or other member of staff in the lesson to provide additional support. For live lessons students must arrive on time, ready to engage in the lesson and this includes having access to a pen and paper at the start of the lesson. The lesson will run from between 30-40 minutes so there is time for screen breaks, but you may also be given an extended task to complete at the end of the live lesson. Teachers will sometimes share screens, display worksheets, PowerPoints, or videos. You will be expected to provide feedback to the teacher during the lesson either by unmuting your microphone if you have one and answering a question, by using a virtual mini-whiteboard or writing a comment in the chat. Live lessons will be recorded for you to re-watch later should you wish to do so, or if you missed the lesson. The expectation is that you attend live lessons.
Home Learning
A home learning lesson happens if a student is isolating. A student is added to a specific Year Group Team where they can access channels for each subject, where details of tasks to complete are shared. They should email their class teacher or contact a member of the pastoral team if they have any issues with this work.